The Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicles keep rolling along.
This month, on March 18th, as a matter of fact, Book 11 launches
When Bad Things Happen to Good Mice
And you can pick the book up on pre-order now.
Cindy Davis gives us another fun cozy mystery, filled with great humor, plenty of suspense, and a touch of the paranormal. After all, who doesn’t like ghosts? And the pizza shop owner knowing what kind of pizza you want?
Bliss seems to be the recipient of bad mojo. Here she is camping under the stars, minding her own business, when Chief Jager hauls her back to town on a charge of murder.
Murder of her boyfriend. Well, ex-boyfriend.
Because a body, presumed to be Bliss’s ex-boyfriend, was found in the ashes of the Annual Celtic Faire bonfire.
Of course, Bliss was miles away when he died. But not so, according to a witness, someone Bliss considered a friend.
The witness claims she saw Bliss in town the day of the bonfire. And no one can prove otherwise.
Chief Jager is getting pressure from all sides to solve the murder. And to catch the petty thief who’s been all over town breaking and entering and stealing cash.
With the help of her ability to see people’s auras, get clues from Tom Chapin songs that pop into her head, and the clues her toucan Diablo drops on her, Bliss thinks the murder and the thefts are related.
Chief Jager, though, doesn’t buy it. Well, not until it’s discovered that the body in the bonfire wasn’t Bliss’s ex-boyfriend after all.
So who was he? And why was he killed? And why have the thefts suddenly stopped?
Bliss, with charges dropped, is on a mission to find out.
It’s not every day that a mystery is filled with suspense and thrills, and is great fun. But that’s what Cindy Davis delivers in this latest installment of the Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicles.
So if you’re looking to have a good time while taking a break from spring cleaning, or relaxing in the comfy coziness of your favorite chair or sofa on a lazy afternoon, or while sitting in bed before you hit the hay — then pick up a copy of
When Bad Things Happen to Good Mice
You won’t regret it!
And if you’re new to the Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicles series, you can start your adventure with
And you can find all of the Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicles on Amazon.
Comments are always welcome! And until next time, happy reading!
CW Hawes is a playwright; award-winning poet; and a fictioneer, with a bestselling novel. He’s also an armchair philosopher, political theorist, social commentator, and traveler. He loves a good cup of tea and agrees that everything’s better with pizza.
If you enjoyed this post, please consider buying me a cup of tea. Thanks!
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Just ordered Cindy Davis’s new book on your recommendation. I loved her first Magnolia Bluff Crime Chronicle book, The Great Peanut Butter Conspiracy. I am looking forward to this sequel.
Thanks, CW.
Kelly Marshall
Thanks for stopping by, Kelly! She’ll appreciate that. 🙂