The fiction podcast format is filled with amazingly talented creatives.
I’m currently listening to season 1 of The Magnus Archives, a Rusty Quill production.
I’ve listened to 22 of the 40 episodes and am very impressed with the quality of the production and voice acting.
Thus far, most of the episodes consist of one actor, Jonathan Sims, who is the head archivist of The Magnus Institute, a fictional agency located outside London that investigates the paranormal.
What began as one off episodes of Sims reading a report of some bizarre occurrence, is slowly developing into a connected story. I’m just about dying to see how this develops and can’t listen to the episodes fast enough.
Each episode is a self-contained story, with a slowly developing overarching storyline.
Jonathan Sims is an incredibly creative writer with an awesome imagination. He is also a very talented voice actor.
The music is top drawer. Spookily eerie. And sets not only the mood, but intensifies the suspense.
You can catch The Magnus Archives here on the Rusty Quill website. The show is also on Spotify and YouTube.
Four complete seasons of the arcane, bizarre, terrible, and horrific. This is horror done up right.
And the best thing about fiction podcasts is that you don’t have to set aside time to watch. You can listen on the go. And podcasts are so much better than audiobooks. Seriously.
Tune in to The Magnus Archives. The YouTube link is here. The show is fabulously well done by the very talented folks at Rusty Quill. Enjoy!
Comments are always welcome! And until next time, happy reading!
CW Hawes is a playwright; award-winning poet; and a fictioneer, with two bestselling novels. He’s also an armchair philosopher, political theorist, social commentator, and traveler. He loves a good cup of tea and agrees that everything’s better with pizza.
If you enjoyed this post, please consider buying me a cup of tea. Thanks!
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