The paranormal is hot. Even a cursory search will show that the paranormal can be found in just about every book category.
One of my favorite paranormal genres is the occult detective: a blending of the paranormal and detective fiction. And one can find plenty of detectives, new and old, who unravel mysteries that aren’t “normal”, or use methods that aren’t in your standard detective took kit.
One of the newest paranormal amateur detectives, who uses unusual means to solve murders, is Cindy Davis’s Joy Wagner.
Joy is a plucky young woman who left her wealthy home to find herself. In doing so she found a side of herself she didn’t know existed, and she also happens to find murder. Or maybe it finds her. In any case, Joy’s new found psychic abilities help her to solve murders.
As of this writing, there are two Joy Wagner mysteries, with the promise of a third. The Eighth Deadly Sin is Pizza is the first book, and the second is You’re Not the Boss of My Brain.
The books are filled with snarky humor, ghosts, auras, prophetic song lyrics, people who know things it’s not possible for them to know, and a toucan who thinks he’s a person. Oh, there are also the fabulous folk of Uncertain, Florida, which is on the shore of Lake Ambiguous.
One of the things that sets these books apart from most paranormal mysteries is that the paranormal elements aren’t bad or evil. Instead, they’re presented as normal. The paranormal is just part of our world. Anybody can tune in — if they are open to doing so.
In fact, one is more likely to encounter “monsters” in the “real” world, than in the paranormal one. Which gives these mysteries a refreshing twist.
Told from Joy’s perspective, in the first person, the storytelling puts you right there in the story with Joy. And that’s something I very much like. I love the immediacy that first person narration gives a story.
If you enjoy mysteries, if you’re a fan of good storytelling, if you are into the paranormal, then give these fabulous books a try. I think you’ll like them.
Get The Eighth Deadly Sin is Pizza on Amazon US, Amazon Canada, Amazon UK, and Amazon Australia.
Get You’re Not the Boss of My Brain on Amazon US, Amazon Canada, Amazon UK, and Amazon Australia.
Comments are always welcome. And until next time, happy reading!
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