Yesterday, Terror in the Shadows (Pierce Mostyn Paranormal Investigations, Book 3) went live. Pick up a copy or read for free if you’re a Kindle Unlimited subscriber.
I have mixed feelings about having most of my books exclusive on Amazon. But the one thing that is difficult to argue against is making more money. All of my books except for The Rocheport Saga are exclusive to Amazon. Hopefully one day soon I’ll be able to figure out how to make as much money going wide as I do now being exclusive to Amazon. But until that day, exclusive it is.
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Last week I gave you a sneak peek from chapter 1 of Terror in the Shadows. This week’s peek is from Chapter 6. Enjoy!
When the big black SUV pulled into the lot, Mostyn and Kemper saw a big old Pontiac a short distance away, not far from the tree line. The car was bouncing, the squeak of the springs just barely audible.
“Looks like someone’s going for a ride,” Mostyn said.
“What? You never did that, Kemper?”
“A car? You’ve got to be kidding?”
“Forget it. Now what?”
Mostyn put the SUV in park and shut off the engine. “Let’s go for a walk.”
They exited the vehicle, flashlights in hand. The old Pontiac stopped bouncing.
“I guess he scored,” Kemper said.
“Hope they don’t regret it.”
“Now who’s the cynic.”
“Just saying. Babies you know.”
“Gotta point there, Mostyn.”
“This way, Kemper.”
Mostyn cut across the lot on a path that would give the occupants of the Pontiac their space. Kemper was next to him. Their flashlight beams illuminated the asphalt, and when the asphalt ended, the short strip of grass before the woods.
Just before the trees, Kemper hesitated. “Awfully dark in there.”
“That it is. And there may or may not be a bogeyman in there.”
“Yeah, right.”
Mostyn and Kemper carefully picked their way into the woods. Behind them, in the east, a golden moon began coming up over the treetops. They heard the Pontiac start and drive out of the lot.
“Bet they’re wondering whose SUV that is,” Mostyn said.
“Probably scared shitless someone was spying on them and will tell their parents.”
Mostyn chuckled. “Probably.”
Out of the darkness a rock knocked Kemper’s flashlight out of her hand. Mostyn turned his off and they dropped to the ground. All around them they heard grunting and feral sounds. Neither one said a word. Whatever was making the sounds, and there had to be several of them, they were obviously looking for Mostyn and Kemper.
Mostyn touched his pistol to Kemper’s hand and then touched her hand with one finger, followed by a second, and then a third.
Kemper wrote “OK” with her finger on Mostyn’s hand and pulled her pistol out of the fanny pack.
Mostyn tapped Kemper’s hand once, twice, three times. They jumped up, and fired into the darkness.
Several rocks came flying in their direction and Mostyn grunted when one connected with his thigh. And then all was quiet.
Mostyn turned on his flashlight and panned the light and his pistol in a circle around them. Nothing. There was nothing but trees and darkness beyond the flashlight beam.
He squatted down and played the beam of light around until he found Kemper’s flashlight. He picked it up and tried the switch.
“Must’ve broken the bulb.”
He heard Kemper say, “Let’s go.”
He stood and they made their way out of the woods. In the middle of the parking lot, Kemper suddenly stopped.
“What is it, Dot?”
“You know those sounds they were making?”
“A lot of grunts.
“Some were. But most of them…?” She paused, her voice tinged with fear, and turned to face Mostyn.
“Go on.”
“They followed the pattern of speech.”
I hope you enjoyed the snippet. Comments are always welcome! And, until next time, happy reading!
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Neat! Though you’ve broken one of the cardinal rules of horror. If teenagers have sex they have to DIE soon after. Just crash the Pontiac into something.
LOL!! I guess I was feeling generous the day I wrote that!