I am surprised by the number of authors on Twitter who say they don’t have time to read, or who don’t read books by indie authors.
Don’t Have Time To Read
This one just boggles my mind. How can a writer say he or she doesn’t have time to read?
That’s like a painter saying he doesn’t have time to look at art.
Or a woodworker saying he doesn’t have time to look at other examples of woodworking.
Stephen King has noted that if one wants to be a writer, he needs to do two things:
- Read a lot
- Write a lot
And Mr. King is not alone in his sentiment. Every writer who makes a living from writing says the same thing.
Reading the writing of other writers not only provides enjoyment for the reader — but it is a seminar on how others approach the art and craft of storytelling.
Writers need to be readers.
Don’t Read Indie
This too boggles my mind. How can an indie author not read the words of his or her fellows?
That’s like an eye doctor never talking with other eye doctors. How is that going to work? I would not want to go to that doctor.
It saddens me to see indie authors not list an indie book when they play those Twitter games of list your current favorite reads. Or an indie author when they’re tagged to list current favorite authors.
I read an average of four books a month, along with a bushel basket of short stories and novelettes. I also sneak in some nonfiction. And most of my reading is of indie authors.
Mind you, I don’t read bestsellers. I find bestsellers, for the most part, not the best books. I scour the bottom of the barrel and maybe the middle of the barrel. That is where I find the real talent. The writers who truly know how to tell a good story. And I find it a shame that those writers are the ones who deserve to be bestsellers and are not.
Indie April is over. But that doesn’t mean the adventure has to stop. Those indie authors are still there waiting to be discovered. Go out and discover them. Find those books that are not in the top 300,000 on Amazon’s paid list. That’s where you’ll find the good stuff.
Writers, if you are serious about your craft, read lots and write lots.
Comments are always welcome! And until next time, happy reading!
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