The High Cost of Books
I love to read. Reading provides a joy few things can match. If you follow this blog, you’re aware
I love to read. Reading provides a joy few things can match. If you follow this blog, you’re aware
We read for two reasons. Information or entertainment. Informational reading has no competition. The various media do, but not the
If you look at just about any book ad or Amazon genre page, the words that most often jump out
Quite honestly, I don’t know if women are from Venus and men, Mars. What I do know is that
Are indie authors the pulp fiction writers of the 21st century? That question came to me in response to
Why read indie, indeed? Aren’t self-published authors losers who couldn’t get a big publisher contract? Won’t I get a better
Bookstores are dying! Print books are making a comeback! Men don’t read fiction! The publishing world is full of fake
Last week I talked about being a multi-genre reader and writer. This week I’d like to focus on the reader
I love to read. Give me a book any day. I’ll take it over TV, movies, and video games. Nothing
Don’t you love a good book? One that draws you in and lets you forget the day to day? I
Today I thought I’d share with you some of the books I’ve been reading. Specifically a couple of traditionally published
A few weeks ago I wrote a post entitled “Do Men Read Fiction?”. The answer is, yes, they do. However,
CW Hawes is a storyteller who spins yarns in many different formats: novels, short stories, stage plays, screenplays, and poetry. He’s authored a bestselling novel and he’s won several awards with his poetry.